The New Insight of GABA in Epilepeticus, Seizures and Neurological Disorderst

The New Insight of GABA in Epilepeticus, Seizures and Neurological Disorders

Widodo Judarwanto. Children Allergy Online Clinic, Jakarta Indonesia

The GABA Excitatory/Inhibitory Shift in Brain Maturation and Neurological Disorders

GABA excites immature neurons and inhibits adult ones, but whether this contributes to seizures in the developing brain is not known. Ionic currents and the network-driven patterns they generate differ in immature and adult neurons: The developing brain is not a “small adult brain.” One of the most investigated examples is the developmentally regulated shift of actions of the transmitter GABA that inhibit adult neurons but excite immature ones because of an initially higher intracellular chloride concentration [Cl(-)](i), leading to depolarizing and often excitatory actions of GABA instead of hyperpolarizing and inhibitory actions. The levels of [Cl(-)](i) are also highly labile, being readily altered transiently or persistently by enhanced episodes of activity in relation to synaptic plasticity or a variety of pathological conditions, including seizures and brain insults.

Among the plethora of channels, transporters, and other devices involved in controlling [Cl(-)](i), two have emerged as playing a particularly important role: the chloride importer NKCC1 and the chloride exporter KCC2. Here, the authors stress the importance of determining how [Cl(-)](i) is dynamically regulated and how this affects brain operation in health and disease. In a clinical perspective, agents that control [Cl(-)](i) and reinstate inhibitory actions of GABA open novel therapeutic perspectives in many neurological disorders, including infantile epilepsies, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disorders.


γ-Aminobutyric acid or GABA is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. It plays a role in regulating neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. In humans, GABA is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone. Although chemically it is an amino acid, GABA is rarely referred to as such in the scientific or medical communities, because the term “amino acid,” used without a qualifier, conventionally refers to the alpha amino acids, which GABA is not, nor is it ever incorporated into a protein. In spastic diplegia in humans, GABA absorption becomes impaired by nerves damaged from the condition’s upper motor neuron lesion, which leads to hypertonia of the muscles signaled by those nerves that can no longer absorb GABA.


In vertebrates, GABA acts at inhibitory synapses in the brain by binding to specific transmembrane receptors in the plasma membrane of both pre- and postsynaptic neuronal processes. This binding causes the opening of ion channels to allow the flow of either negatively charged chloride ions into the cell or positively charged potassium ions out of the cell. In both cases, the membrane potential is decreased. This action results in a negative change in the transmembrane potential, usually causing hyperpolarization. Two general classes of GABA receptor are known: GABAA in which the receptor is part of a ligand-gated ion channel complex, and GABAB metabotropic receptors, which are G protein-coupled receptors that open or close ion channels via intermediaries (G proteins).

The production, release, action, and degradation of GABA at a stereotyped GABAergic synapse. Neurons that produce GABA as their output are called GABAergic neurons, and have chiefly inhibitory action at receptors in the adult vertebrate. Medium Spiny Cells are a typical example of inhibitory CNS GABAergic cells. In contrast, GABA exhibits both excitatory and inhibitory actions in insects, mediating muscle activation at synapses between nerves and muscle cells, and also the stimulation of certain glands. In mammals, some GABAergic neurons, such as chandelier cells, are also able to excite their glutamatergic counterparts.

GABAA receptors are ligand-activated chloride channels; that is, when activated by GABA, they allow the flow of chloride ions across the membrane of the cell. Whether this chloride flow is excitatory/depolarizing (makes the voltage across the cell’s membrane less negative), shunting (has no effect on the cell’s membrane) or inhibitory/hyperpolarizing (makes the cell’s membrane more negative) depends on the direction of the flow of chloride. When net chloride flows out of the cell, GABA is excitatory or depolarizing; when the net chloride flows into the cell, GABA is inhibitory or hyperpolarizing. When the net flow of chloride is close to zero, the action of GABA is shunting. Shunting inhibition has no direct effect on the membrane potential of the cell; however, it minimises the effect of any coincident synaptic input essentially by reducing the electrical resistance of the cell’s membrane (in essence, equivalent to Ohm’s law). A developmental switch in the molecular machinery controlling concentration of chloride inside the cell – and, hence, the direction of this ion flow – is responsible for the changes in the functional role of GABA between the neonatal and adult stages. That is to say, GABA’s role changes from excitatory to inhibitory as the brain develops into adulthood.

Brain development

For the past two decades, the theory of excitatory action of GABA early in development was unquestioned based on experiments in vitro, on brain slices. The main observation was that in the hippocampus and neocortex of the mammalian brain, GABA has primarily excitatory effects, and is in fact the major excitatory neurotransmitter in many regions of the brain before the maturation of glutamateergic synapses.

However, this theory has been questioned based on results showing that in brain slices of immature mice incubated in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) (modified in a way that takes into account the normal composition of the neuronal milieu in sucklings by adding an energy substrate alternative to glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate) GABA action shifts from excitatory to inhibitory mode. This effect has been later repeated when other energy substrates, pyruvate and lactate, supplemented glucose in the slices’ media. The effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate were later confirmed for pyruvate[9] and for lactate. However it was argued that the concentrations of the alternative energy substrates used in these experiments were non-physiological and the GABA-shift was instead caused by changes in pH resulting from the substrates acting as “weak acids”. These arguments were later rebutted by further findings showing that changes in pH even greater than that caused by energy substrates do not affect the GABA-shift described in the presence of energy substrate-fortified ACSF and that the mode of action of beta-hydroxybutyrate, pyruvate and lactate (assessed by measurement NAD(P)H and oxygen utilization) was energy metabolism-related.

In the developmental stages preceding the formation of synaptic contacts, GABA is synthesized by neurons and acts both as an autocrine (acting on the same cell) and paracrine (acting on nearby cells) signalling mediator.

GABA regulates the proliferation of neural progenitor cells the migration and differentiation the elongation of neurites and the formation of synapses

GABA also regulates the growth of embryonic and neural stem cells. GABA can influence the development of neural progenitor cells via brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression.[23] GABA activates the GABAA receptor, causing cell cycle arrest in the S-phase, limiting growth.

Beyond the nervous system

GABA-producing GAD67 enzyme in the brain slice at 1st postnatal day, with the highest expression in subventricular zone (svz). From Popp et al., 2009. GABAergic mechanisms have been demonstrated in various peripheral tissues and organs including, but not restricted to the intestine, stomach, pancreas, Fallopian tube, uterus, ovary, testis, kidney, urinary bladder, lung, and liver.

In 2007, an excitatory GABAergic system was described in the airway epithelium. The system activates following exposure to allergens and may participate in the mechanisms of asthma. GABAergic systems have also been found in the testis and in the eye lens.

GABA is found mostly as a zwitterion, that is, with the carboxy group deprotonated and the amino group protonated. Its conformation depends on its environment. In the gas phase, a highly folded conformation is strongly favored because of the electrostatic attraction between the two functional groups. The stabilization is about 50 kcal/mol, according to quantum chemistry calculations. In the solid state, a more extended conformation is found, with a trans conformation at the amino end and a gauche conformation at the carboxyl end. This is due to the packing interactions with the neighboring molecules. In solution, five different conformations, some folded and some extended, are found as a result of solvation effects. The conformational flexibility of GABA is important for its biological function, as it has been found to bind to different receptors with different conformations. Many GABA analogues with pharmaceutical applications have more rigid structures in order to control the binding better

GABA as a key player Seizures

Synapses mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptors are notoriously altered during periods of enhanced activity. Since a loss of inhibitory tone is a basic cause of seizures and epilepsies, it is important to determine the underlying mechanisms and the way this could be alleviated or at least reduced.

Alterations of the intracellular content of chloride are thought to be a major player in the sequence of events that follow episodes of hyperactivity. These mechanisms both in the adult and developing brain, relying on studies in which chloride and GABAergic currents were measured by electrophysiological and imaging techniques. In adult systems, status epilepticus induces a complete re-organization of the networks, with cell death, axonal growth, and glutamatergic neosynapse formation leading to an increased glutamatergic drive. This, in turn, will decrease the threshold of seizure generation and thus contribute to seizure generation.

In contrast, GABAergic synapses are not readily “plastic” as the lost interneurones and synapses are not replaced. Somatostatin-positive 0-LM Interneurons that innervate the dendrites of the principal cells in the hippocampus degenerate selectively, leading to a loss of the inhibitory drive in the dendrites, whereas somatic projecting basket cells and somatic inhibitory drives are relatively spared. This imbalance leads to a reduction of the inhibitory strength that is necessary but not sufficient to generate ongoing seizures. An additional important factor is the persistent increase of the intracellular chloride concentration that leads to a long-lasting shift in the depolarizing direction of the actions of GABA that will also contribute to seizure generation.

In the developing brain, a major source of seizure generation is the depolarizing and often excitatory actions of GABA due to a higher intracellular chloride concentration ([Cl-]I) in immature neurons, a property that has been confirmed in all developing systems and animal species studied. As a consequence, immature GABAergic synapses will excite targets and facilitate the emergence of seizures, in keeping with the well-known higher incidence of seizures in the developing brain. Using a unique preparation with two intact hippocampi placed in a three-compartment chamber in vitro, we have provided direct evidence that seizures beget seizures and that GABA signaling plays a central role in this phenomenon. Indeed, recurrent seizures triggered in one hippocampus by a convulsive agent propagate to the other hippocampus and transform the naive hippocampus into one that generates seizures once disconnected from the other hippocampus. This transformation is conditioned by the occurrence during the seizures of high-frequency oscillations (40 Hz and above). Interestingly, these oscillations are only produced when N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA-) and GABA receptors are operative and not blocked in the naïve hippocampus. Therefore, GABA-receptor antagonists are pro-convulsive in the developing brain but, in fact, anti-epileptic. This paradoxical conclusion has quite a few clinical implications.

Ben-Ari Y. Basic developmental rules and their implications for epilepsy in the immature brain. Epileptic Disord. 2006 Jun;8(2):91-102.

The construction of the human brain with its 10(15) synapses follows a set of complex developmentally and environmentally regulated steps. A series of sequences have been described that are instrumental, in the sense that a failure of any one of them leads to dramatic, life-long consequences. Hence the importance of determining the sequential maturation of neurons, synapses and cortical maps. It is also important to determine how network-driven events become installed, as neuronal activity intervenes in all of these steps and modulates, for better or worse, the outcome.

A fundamental consequence of these sequential events is that any disruption will have very different consequences depending on when it occurs, indeed, “when is as important as what”. An obvious aspect of these general features is related to seizures. In fact, the developing brain has both a higher incidence of seizures in human and animal models, and experiences seizures that can produce long-lasting consequences that are also stage-dependent.

It concentrates on four basic developmental rules: i) the generation by very immature neurons, of very large currents mediated by the activation of receptors in neurons that bear no synapses. This is due to the release of GABA that diffuses to distal sites and acts as a paracrine factor; ii) the excitatory/inhibitory shift of the actions of GABA during development because of a progressive reduction in the intracellular chloride concentration; iii) the sequential formation of GABAergic synapses and networks before glutamatergic ones, implying that, at an early stage, all the excitatory drive will be GABAergic; iv) the presence, at an early stage, of a unique, primitive pattern in all developing structures, this pattern disappears when most GABAergic synapses have shifted to their adult configuration.

Several consequences of these sequences are described including: i) a control of neuronal migration by GABA-acting drugs, and the possibility that migration disorders are also generated by environmental factors that include the effects of GABA-acting agents; ii) If GABA excites immature neurons and inhibits adult one, then GABA-acting agents will also produce different effects on the mother and the embryo; iii) early brain oscillations are generated by the periphery and propagate centrally – notably to the sensory-motor cortex, suggesting that peripherally-generated movements may provide an important signal for the formation of cortical maps, in keeping with the importance of embryonic movements; iv) “seizures beget seizures” in the developing brain. This has now been shown in a triple chamber with the two intact hippocampi that we developed, and with which it has been possible to show that only recurrent seizures that include high frequency oscillations can transform the naïve, contralateral hippocampus to an epileptic one that seizes spontaneously. Most interestingly, at an early developmental stage, when GABA excites many neurons and the density of glutamatergic synapses is not sufficiently high, purely glutamatergic seizures cannot lead to long-term consequences, the additional excitatory drive provided by GABAergic synapses is needed. In other words, at that stage, blocking GABA synapses generates seizures, as in adults, but these do not lead to long-term consequences.

The mechanisms that underlie these differences is due to the need for high frequency oscillations (> 80 Hz or so), and these can only be generated when GABA synapses are operative in the developing brain: GABA receptor antagonists are ictogenic, but not epileptogenic. To facilitate teaching purposes the paper is published together with supplemental data (as a PowerPoint presentation included in the accompanying DVD), thus allowing an overview of important developmental steps and their implications.

Epileptogenic actions of GABA in the developing hippocampus.

Khalilov I, et al. report that in the developing, but not the adult, hippocampus, seizures beget seizures only if GABAergic synapses are functional. In the immature hippocampus, seizures generated with functional GABAergic synapses include fast oscillations that are required to transform a naive network to an epileptic one: blocking GABA receptors prevents the long-lasting sequels of seizures. In contrast, in adult neurons, full blockade of GABA(A) receptors generates epileptogenic high-frequency seizures. Therefore, purely glutamatergic seizures are not epileptogenic in the developing hippocampus.

The density of glutamatergic synapses is not sufficient for epileptogenesis in immature neurons; excitatory GABAergic synapses are required for that purpose. Synergistic actions of GABA and NMDA receptors trigger the cascades involved in epileptogenesis in the developing hippocampus.

GABA actions in pyramidal cells of hippocampal seizure-like network activity

It has recently been shown that electrical stimulation in normal extracellular fluid induces seizure-like afterdischarge activity that is always preceded by GABA-dependent slow depolarization. These afterdischarge responses are synchronous among mature hippocampal neurons and driven by excitatory GABAergic input. However, the differences in the mechanisms whereby the GABAergic signals in pyramidal cells and interneurons are transiently converted from hyperpolarizing to depolarizing (and even excitatory) have remained unclear. To clarify the network mechanisms underlying this rapid GABA conversion that induces afterdischarges, we examined the temporal changes in GABAergic responses in pyramidal cells and/or interneurons of the rat hippocampal CA1 area in vitro. The extents of slow depolarization and GABA conversion were much larger in the pyramidal cell group than in any group of interneurons. Besides GABA(A) receptor activation, neuronal excitation by ionotropic glutamate receptors enhanced GABA conversion in the pyramidal cells and consequent induction of afterdischarge.

The slow depolarization was confirmed to consist of two distinct phases; an early phase that depended primarily on GABA(A)-mediated postsynaptic Cl- accumulation, and a late phase that depended on extracellular K+ accumulation, both of which were enhanced by glutamatergic neuron excitation. Moreover, extracellular K+ accumulation augmented each oscillatory response of the afterdischarge, probably by further Cl- accumulation through K+-coupled Cl- transporters. Our findings suggest that the GABA reversal potential may be elevated above their spike threshold predominantly in the pyramidal cells by biphasic Cl- intrusion during the slow depolarization in GABA- and glutamate-dependent fashion, leading to the initiation of seizure-like epileptiform activity.


Ben-Ari Y, et al.The GABA Excitatory/Inhibitory Shift in Brain Maturation and Neurological Disorders. The GABA Excitatory/Inhibitory Shift in Brain Maturation and Neurological Disorders. Neuroscientist. 2012 Apr 30.

Ben-Ari Y. Seizures beget seizures: the quest for GABA as a key player. Crit Rev Neurobiol. 2006;18(1-2):135-44.

Khalilov I, et al. Epileptogenic actions of GABA and fast oscillations in the developing hippocampus. Neuron. 2005 Dec 8;48(5):787-96.

Ben-Ari Y. Basic developmental rules and their implications for epilepsy in the immature brain. Epileptic Disord. 2006 Jun;8(2):91-102.

Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, et al. Distinct types of ionic modulation of GABA actions in pyramidal cells and interneurons during electrical induction of hippocampal seizure-like network activity. Eur J Neurosci. 2007 May;25(9):2713-25. Epub 2007 Apr 25.

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