BISQ Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire, Infant Sleep Measures.

Infant sleep problems are among the most prevalent problems presented to pediatricians and other child-care professionals. The consolidation of sleep during the night, which is referred to as “sleeping through the night,” is a rapid maturational process during the first year of life.However, surveys show that as many as 20% to 30% of all infants and toddlers do not succeed in achieving this goal and their sleep continues to be fragmented, as manifested by multiple and/or prolonged night wakings, which are considered to be the  most prevalent sleep problems during early childhood.If not treated, these night-waking problems are persistent and can last well into adulthood.

The BISQ Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire was developed on the basis of a review of the infant sleep literature in search of meaningful variables, particularly clinical studies based on the use of subjective and objective infant sleep measures.

The instrument is intended to serve as a screening tool in a variety of pediatric settings. Consisting of only a few items, the survey asks parents about their child’s sleeping location, position, and schedule during the past week. The tool can be used for both clinical and research purposes.

Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ)

Name of    questionnaire Brief Infant Sleep    Questionnaire (BISQ)
Type of    questionnaire-description,age Parent-reported questionnaire on infants/toddler (0-29    months)  sleep over prior one week
Number of items 13 items
Number of domains &    categories 3 main categories
Name of    categories/domains  Sleep Duration, Night wakenings, Method of falling asleep
Scaling of items Much of data in time (minutes)
Scoring available: with    permission or free Information not available
Scoring test-retest    reliability Yes
Scoring Internal consistency Yes
Validity Yes-actigraphy used to validate data; correlated with daily    sleep logs and with caregiver report of sleep
Language English
Translations in other    languages (if yes, then list the languages) Yes
Developer name Avi Sadeh, D.Sc
Developer contact information Avi Sadeh, DSc, Director    of the Sleep LaboratoryDepartment of Psychology, Tel Aviv University, Ramat    Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.
Limitations Limited to under 3 years of age
Link to the questionnaire (if    available) Appendix to the reference given below
References (original    publication) Sadeh A. A brief screening questionnaire for infant sleep    problems: validation and findings for an Internet sample.Paedaitrics, 113(6),    e570-e577

The questionnaire variables included

  1. nocturnal sleep duration (between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am)
  2. daytime sleep duration (between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm)
  3. number of night wakings
  4. duration of wakefulness during the night hours (10 pm to 6 am)
  5. nocturnal sleep-onset time (the clock time at which the child falls asleep for the night)
  6. settling time (latency to falling asleep for the night)
  7. method of falling asleep;
  8. location of sleep
  9. preferred body position
  10. age of child
  11. gender of child
  12. birth order
  13. role of responder (who completed the BISQ). Completion of the BISQ requires   5 to 10 minutes. The parents were instructed to refer to their child’s sleep during the past week.

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Satu Balasan ke BISQ Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire, Infant Sleep Measures.

  1. Sample Questionnaire berkata:

    How can you interact with the parents?

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